But today was a perfect day, reminding me that summer really is just around the corner. Temperatures hovered in the mid-60's and there was not a cloud in the sky. I made a mental list of my favorite Cape things that I want to do this summer. 

Cape Cod is known for its magnificent beaches and sand dunes. It's the perfect summer getaway, whether for a week or weekend (visit http://www.capecodchamber.org/) So on my list is a trip to the National Seashore in Chatham along with a stop in downtown Chatham for some great shopping.
This time of year resorts and gift shops are gearing up for a busy summer, stocking their displays with beach and island gifts and decor, including lots of our great handmade, sea-inspired bath and body gifts (shameless plug happening now... http://www.backporchsoap.com/). Brides-to-be from across the U.S. are finishing up their wedding plans for June-August summer weddings that are celebrated seaside up and down the Cape's coast. (If you are a beach bride or know one, be sure to check out our fabulous wedding favors on our site.)
There are so many great restaurants and bars on the Cape. My favorites include the Flying Bridge in Falmouth, Tomatoes in Sandwich, Horizons in Sandwich (spectacular view). If you're up for a splurge, check yourself into Chatham Bars Inn (http://www.chathambarsinn.com/) for a fantastic place to stay and pamper oneself.
Also on my list this year of favorite things to do on the Cape is to hop a short ferry ride from Hyannis or Woods Hole to Martha's Vineyard (http://www.mvy.com/) or Nantucket (http://www.nantucketchamber.org/), which are both beautiful islands and fun to explore. Martha's Vineyard is the larger of the two islands, and takes much longer to explore. But both offer great sites.
While on Nantucket, check out Best of the Beach. It's a fabulous store on Straight Wharf that carries most of our line.
Hope your travels take you to Cape Cod soon so you can find some treasures for yourself!